Rio Registration
Rio Registration
Rio 2023 courses
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Please note that:
You only allowed to choose one course from each wave
The fees of each course 400 EGP
The Above prices don't including vat
Full Name
Phone Number
Place Of Work
Wave 1 courses
Wave 2 courses
Wave 1 Course (Time:13:00 - 14:30)
Cataract with Ocular Comorbidity (7 seats left)
Basic Lid Surgeries: Ptosis, Malpositions and Benign Lesions (4 seats left)
Imaging MoImaging Modalities in Medical Retinadalities in Medical Retina (5 seats left)
Keratoplasty: Different Pathologies; Different Techniques (13 seats left)
Local Anesthesia Techniques for Ophthalmic Surgery (12 seats left)
Corneal Imaging: Current Technology (11 seats left)
Pediatric Glaucoma (12 seats left)
The Above prices are including vat
Wave 2 Course (Time: 15:30 - 17:00)
Management of Infective Keratitis (8 seats left)
Laser Vision Correction (LVC) Modalities & Preferred Practice (6 seats left)
Novel IOLs in Practice (15 seats left)
Scleral Buckle Technique for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (15 seats left)
Lasers in Glaucoma (13 seats left)
Uveitis: Practical Approach (7 seats left)
Pediatric Cataract Surgery all you Need to Know (12 seats left)
The Above prices are including vat
Service Charge Fee
0.0 EGP
Rio 2023 courses quantity
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