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EGVRS Academy 2023
EGVRS Academy 2022 Courses
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Day 1 Courses Thursday 27 October
9-11 AM
9-11 AM
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course 1: Surgical lab 1 (ST) Vitrectomy (20 seats left)
Course 5 : Ultrasound & UBM (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 8: Uveitis 1 Diagnosis, algorithms & Drug choices (20 seats left)
Course 12: Retinal dystrophies& gene therapy updates (20 seats left)
Course 16: Retinal detachment1 (techniques & choices) (20 seats left)
Course 20: PRP, focal and Micro-pulse laser (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 24: OCT & OCTA Novel signs :what is new ? (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
11-1 PM
11-1 PM
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course25: FFA,FAF& WFA (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 21:Pediatric imaging and LIO (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 17:Retinal detachment 2 &PVR (20 seats left)
Course 13:Diabetic Retinopathy update DME & PDR (20 seats left)
Course 9: Uveitis 2 Infectious Uveitis (20 seats left)
Course 5 : Ultrasound & UBM (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 2: Surgical lab 2(ST) Vitrectomy (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
2-4 PM
2-4 PM
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course 26:Oncology (Pediatric) (20 seats left)
Course 22:Pediatric RD (Stickler,Coats, retinoschisis) (20 seats left)
Course 18:Macular Surgery: holes and beyond (20 seats left)
Course 14:AMD update & mimickers (20 seats left)
Course10:Uveitis 3 Non infectious (20 seats left)
Course 6:OCT (ST) (20 seats left)
Course 3:Surgical lab 3 Scleral buckle(ST) (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
4-6 PM
4-6 PM
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course 4:Surgical lab 4(ST)Vitrectomy (20 seats left)
Course 7:OCTA(ST) (20 seats left)
Course 11:Endopthal mitis (20 seats left)
Course 15:Retinal Vascular occlusions A& V (20 seats left)
Course 19: Diabetic Vitrectomy A-Z (20 seats left)
Course 23: Pediatric Retina:ROP,FEVR &PFV (20 seats left)
Course 27:Oncology (Adult) (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
Day 2 Courses Friday 28 October
9.00-10.30 AM
9.00-10.30 AM
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course 28: High Myopia ( (20 seats left)
Course 29: Ocular Trauma &IOFBs (20 seats left)
Course 30:Complications of anterior segment surgery correction of aphakia (20 seats left)
Course 31:Oncology Cases: Analytical thinking (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
10.30 AM- 12.00 PM Participant s session
10.30 AM- 12.00 PM Participant s session
Please Select Only 1 Course
Course 32: Medical & Uveitis Case conference (Voting for best case) (20 seats left)
Course 33: Surgical videos difficulties in my practice ( Voting for best case) (20 seats left)
Please Consider That Courses price including TAX Charges
0.0 EGP
Services charge
0.0 EGP
EGVRS Academy 2022 Courses quantity
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