About The Meeting


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Meeting Program

19:30 – 20:00 | Welcome Reception

20:00 – 20:10 | Welcome from Alcon

Ayman Hassanein

North Africa Cluster Head

Moderator :

Mohamed Shafik Shaheen

Professor of Ophthalmology, Alexandria University, Egypt

20:10 – 21:00 | Session 1 – Welcome Systane® HYDRATION, a new approach in Dry Eye management

Chairpersons :

Ahmed Elmasry

Head of Ophthalmology Department Alexandria University, Egypt

Mohamed Hosny

Professor of Ophthalmology Cairo University Egypt

Speakers :

   – Modalities of Dry Eye management

Alaa Ghaith

Professor of Ophthalmology, Alexandria University Egypt

   – Building Systane hydration – the logic behind the formulation

Senol Demircan

International Therapeutic Area Director VC&OH, Alcon

   – BAK is BAD!

Ahmed Shama

Professor of Ophthalmology Alexandria University Egypt

– Live Q&A – Panel discussion

21:00 – 21:40 | Session2 – Peri-operative Dry Eye Management

Chairpersons :

Alaa Alzwawy

Professor of Ophthalmology Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University Egypt

Moataz Sabry

Professor of Ophthalmology Tanta University, Egypt

Ashraf Sewilam

Professor of Ophthalmology Mansoura University, Egypt

Speakers :

– Anterior Segment surgery and Dry Eye!

Miguel Teus

MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

– The impact of Ocular Surface Disorders on Cataract Surgery

Hatem Ammar

Professor and Head of Ophthalmology Department Sohag University Egypt

– Live Q&A – Panel discussion

21:40 – 22:40 | Close and Dinner